VMUN has long been acknowledged as one of the most prestigious Model United Nations conferences in North America. Since its inception in 2002, VMUN has become a staple conference for students in British Columbia and a unique experience sought after by schools and individuals from far and wide. VMUN is invaluable in that it gives students a chance to learn about the UN’s procedures, be introduced to many pressing international issues, practice important public speaking and debate skills, and much more. By becoming educated in issues that affect the world today and gaining indispensable skills, students become motivated to make a lasting difference in their communities.
With a yearly audience of over 1,400 delegates, teachers, staff, and distinguished guests, many organizations, companies, and local businesses have been very enthusiastic in the past to provide sponsorship to VMUN. Ranging from financial support of the conference to in-kind donations, our sponsors and partners help make VMUN an educational, beneficial, and enjoyable conference for as many participants as possible.
VMUN offers a comprehensive sponsorship program. Please see the Sponsorship Package below for more information.
For more information on sponsoring VMUN, please email us at conference@vmun.com.