The VMUN 2025 Media applications are now open! Apply here.

Paris Commune, 1871

It is March 18, 1871. For France, a nation shaken by revolution, military strongmen, and Emperors, the ground was set for a new type of revolution. This time, while the fight was based on the same ideals of liberty and truth espoused in the Enlightenment which have dictated other revolutions, they were also founded on socialist principles. The new government from Versailles watched in horror as the old seat of government, Paris, plunged into disarray. As common citizens, artists, bakers, and journalists armed themselves with firearms and cannons, only two questions remained: whether or not this new government, created to combat the treasons of the ruling classes, could truly render themselves masters of their own destinies by seizing power, and if they could, what a government of the proletariat would mean for the rest of Europe.

As a continuous crisis committee, the Cabinet Committee is most appropriate for experienced delegates. Position papers are mandatory and must be submitted by January 22nd, 2024, at 23:59 PT. More information about position papers specific to this committee can be found on page 3 of the Background Guide.

Calvin Liu

Calvin Liu | Director

Presently a Grade 12 student at West Point Grey Academy, Calvin Liu is elated to serve as the Director of the Cabinet Committee at VMUN this year! Ever since being initially swept into the ardent caucuses of Model UN, he has experienced and enjoyed productive discussions, less productive but equally colorful roundtables, and “debates”. Since then, he has channeled forth the passion of his first speech and the excitement of every discourse into his life, which has helped shape his historical, political, and diplomatic fascinations. Outside of Model UN, Calvin enjoys reading niche philosophy books, confusing the YouTube algorithm with an unhealthy amount of media consumption, and efficiently reprioritizing his work. Calvin is exultant to help make VMUN a delightful and memorable time for everyone!

Cindy Yang

Cindy Yang | Chair

As a Grade 10 student attending Crofton House School, Cindy is thrilled to serve as the Chair of the Crisis Cabinet Committee at VMUN 2024. Since attending her first conference two years ago, she has been captivated by the incredible MUN community and rewarded with numerous thrilling experiences. From being stuck in an elevator to assassinating other delegates during a crisis, Cindy is fond of the unforgettable adventures MUN takes her on. She is incredibly grateful for the memories, friendships, and knowledge about critical global issues she has gained through the process. Beyond the committee room, Cindy loves spending her time with friends, playing badminton, and sampling cuisines from around the world. She looks forward to a wonderful weekend of exciting debates and can’t wait to meet everyone!

Mia Rafii

Mia Rafii | Crisis Staff

A Grade 11 student at Crofton House School, Mia is honoured to serve as the Crisis Staff of the Cabinet Crisis Committee at Vancouver Model United Nations 2024. Ever since her first Model UN conference in an overwhelmingly large General Assembly, Mia has developed a passion for the lively debate and valuable collaboration that MUN fosters. Outside of the committee room, Mia considers herself a connoisseur of all things cheesecake and can be found taking naps in obscure locations. Mia’s favourite activities include cuddling her cat, playing wildly competitive spike ball, and sleeping in past noon. Mia is confident that VMUN 2024 will be an unforgettable conference and looks forward to a weekend of fierce debate!

You can contact the Director at Any questions regarding the committee or its debate procedures will be answered by email. Position papers must also be submitted to this address.

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