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The War of 1812

Cries of “God Save the King” echo across the hills of Montreal as stars and stripes dawn over Columbia. In the fledgling years of the United States, the ever-present shadow of Britannia looms above the continent. Disputes among trade, expansion, and national sovereignty have brought these nations to the brink of war. The formidable military to the south seeks North American hegemony; they will stop at nothing to preserve freedom and liberty. Delegates of British North America, and their armies, must secure victory. Will you defend your country, or will you allow conflict to fracture a nation? The future of the continent—and the world—is in your hands.

As a continuous crisis committee, the Advanced Crisis Committee is most appropriate for experienced delegates. Position papers are mandatory and must be submitted by January 22nd, 2024, at 23:59 PT. More information about position papers specific to this committee can be found on page 3 of the Background Guide.

Andreas Zhang

Andreas Zhang | Director

Heading into his penultimate year at St. George’s School, Andreas is beyond ecstatic to serve as the Director of the Advanced Crisis Committee at VMUN 2024. Ever since making his first speech at an online conference 3 years ago, Andreas has been completely immersed in the atmosphere of Model UN. Whether it is intense placard raising or dinner with friends, Model UN has created some of Andreas’s most treasured memories. Outside of Model UN, Andreas can be seen attempting to smash a badminton birdy across the net, struggling to keep his vex robot from falling apart, and watching his drumsticks fly out of his hands while playing. Andreas wishes both experienced and new delegates alike the best in their preparation and can’t wait to see everyone at VMUN 2024!

Edward Gao

Edward Gao | Chair

A Grade 12 student at West Point Grey Academy, Edward is overjoyed to serve as the Chair of the Advanced Crisis Committee at VMUN 2024. Having attended his first Model United Nations conference in the eighth grade, he is incredibly grateful for all the friends made and lessons learned along the way. As Director, Edward hopes he can provide a similar experience for all delegates of ACC. Outside of MUN, Edward can often be found biking around Vancouver, watching Netflix and Youtube, and staying up through the night. He hopes to help make VMUN an enjoyable experience for all delegates and looks forward to meeting everyone in January!

Bianca Toaxen

Bianca Toaxen | Crisis Staff

A Grade 11 student at SMUS, Bianca is delighted to be serving as Crisis Staff for ACC at the 23rd iteration of VMUN. After her first conference in 2018, Bianca caught the Model UN bug, participating in over 10 conferences since her start in Grade 6. She loves collaborative and constructive debate and hopes to bring that to this year’s insightful committee. From almost causing a nuclear war to overthrowing the government of Liechtenstein, some of her most cherished memories have been made through Model UN. Outside of the committee room, Bianca enjoys playing tennis at the provincial level and going camping with her friends. Bianca is eager to meet all of the delegates who will be joining ACC this year!

You can contact the Director at Any questions regarding the committee or its debate procedures will be answered by email. Position papers must also be submitted to this address.