The VMUN 2025 Secretariat and Staff applications are closed.

Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee

The Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee is the third General Assembly of the United Nations, tasked with a broad mandate surrounding social, humanitarian, and human rights issues from around the world. To delineate a general idea of the committee, some issues discussed within SOCHUM include, but are not limited to: human rights, global literacy, women’s rights, children’s rights, the treatment of refugees and displaced persons, international drug control, crime prevention, and the elimination of racism and discrimination. SOCHUM also works closely with many other UN bodies in order to effectually address its mandated issues.

This committee is designed for both beginners and experienced delegates alike. Position papers, although strongly recommended, are not required. However, delegates who wish to be considered for an award must submit their position papers by January 22nd, 2024, at 23:59 PT. More information about position papers can be found on page 3 of the Background Guide.

Topic A: Refugee Rights in Host Countries (Click to show summary)

In today’s world, war and conflict have separated countries and forced refugees to flee in order to save their own lives. Oftentimes, these refugees are mistreated and hurt in the countries they arrive in. Refugee rights in host countries are a crucial part of the United Nations mission to create a better world. As displaced individuals seek safety and support, their treatment within the borders of other nations reflects not only the host’s commitment to human rights but also the international community’s dedication to ensure dignity and protection for those fleeing conflict. The safeguarding of refugee rights must be developed and maintained to an international standard.

Topic B: Child Labour (Click to show summary)

Through past and recent events around the globe, more children are involved in intense, dangerous, and often life-threatening labour to help support their families and communities. Committed to allowing each child to enjoy their childhood and attain a positive education, the United Nations is deeply involved in halting this illegal practice. As children are forced to work under conditions detrimental to their physical, mental, and educational development, the ethical and socioeconomic implications for youth work are ample. Only through collective determination can societies break these chains of poverty, lack of education, and unequal opportunities to grant every child their rightful chance to thrive.

Adele Agenes

Adele Agenes | Director

As a Grade 11 student at Rockridge Secondary School, Adele Agenes is deeply thrilled and honored to be serving as the director of the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee at Vancouver Model United Nations 2024. She first got introduced to Model UN in Grade 8, and despite initially being hesitant to speak in front of large groups, she was able to grow to enjoy the fruitful and fast-paced debates that happen in committees. Apart from Model UN, Adele is very passionate about neuroscience and math, and when she has free time, she can be found in labs observing brains under lightsheet microscopes, or trying to solve a math problem that popped into her mind. Adele is extremely eager to see what fascinating debate and negotiations that SOCHUM entertains!

Connor Mau

Connor Mau | Chair

Currently in his Grade 11 year at Bellarmine Preparatory School in Tacoma, Washington, Connor is beyond thrilled to serve as the Chair for SOCHUM this VMUN 2024! He began his Model UN voyage as a diffident sixth grader, possessing little to no understanding in international affairs, global diplomacy, or any extent of professionalism. Although unwillingly being introduced to MUN way back then, it wasn’t long until Connor truly fell in love with the environment of debate and discourse the very moment he raised his placard. Beyond his MUN experiences, you can find Connor finishing his favourite Netflix shows, working as a CAD modeler for his school’s robotics team, listening to absurdly long Spotify playlists, or spending time with his rambunctious cat named Squid. Connor wishes a phenomenal experience to all delegates and he simply cannot wait to meet everyone this VMUN 2024, especially those hoping to join SOCHUM!

Alexandra Hui

Alexandra Hui | Assistant Director

A Grade 11 student at Interlake High School, Alex is utterly enchanted to be serving as Assistant Director of SOCHUM at VMUN 2024. As an eighth grader, she was pulled into the world of Model UN and has never looked back since. From the first time she raised her placard, MUN’s riveting debate, special chaos, and wonderfully stress-inducing crises have become a vital part of her life. When she’s not in the committee room, you can find her sobbing over the frustrations of the violin, attempting to finish one of many unfinished sewing projects, or reading books at the library. Alex is excited to welcome everyone to SOCHUM!

Jessie Shi

Jessie Shi | Assistant Director

As a Grade 11 student at West Vancouver Secondary School, Jessie is beyond ecstatic to be serving as the Assistant Director of the Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee at VMUN 2024. She embarked on the enriching Model UN journey in Grade 9, unaware that world diplomacy and exhilarating debates would ignite a new passion. Jessie will forever cherish the fond memories and everlasting friendships that MUN has gifted her. Apart from the conferences, Jessie is entangled by an endless pile of assignments at midnight, hitting the shuttle on a badminton court, and resisting the temptation to eat every chocolate or matcha dessert she finds. Jessie cannot wait to meet everyone and contribute to an unforgettable weekend at VMUN!

You can contact the Director at Any questions regarding the committee or its debate procedures will be answered by email. Position papers must also be submitted to this address.

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