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United Nations Security Council

As the single most powerful UN entity, the Security Council is responsible for addressing all issues threatening international peace and security. The Security Council must work to create effective resolutions with clear and powerful language that will have tangible results in the real world. In facing this immense responsibility, the committee will utilize several tools of diplomacy usually unavailable to any other agency. The veto power of the Permanent Five (P5) members gives the UNSC a uniquely intense flair unlike any other committee.

The most prestigious body at VMUN 2025, this committee is specifically designed for experienced delegates. Position papers are mandatory, and must be submitted by January 27, 2025, at 23:59 PST. More information about position papers can be found in the Position Paper Guide.

Topic A: Coups in Sahel (Click to show summary)


The Sahel, a vast region bordering the Sahara Desert in Africa, is currently grappling with a dramatic surge in coup d’états. Since a wave of independence in the 1960s, this region has been disproportionately affected by political upheaval, relentless coups, and violent conflicts. These power struggles have exacerbated severe humanitarian crises, displaced millions, empowered extremist groups, and significantly worsened the quality of life for citizens. Deep-seated ethnic tensions within the Sahel further fuel conflict and previous attempts by foreign and international actors to stabilize the Sahel have repeatedly failed as a result of the complexity of their historical and political challenges. The UNSC must act soon and seek a final end to this crisis.


Topic B: Small Arms and Light Weapons Proliferation (Click to show summary)


Small arms and light weapons (SALW) are portable, lightweight weapons designed for individual use. Following the aftermath of the World Wars and the Soviet-Afghan War, the market has been flooded with these weapons—to the point where it has reached widespread circulation beyond government control. As a result, SALW often fall into the hands of civilians and illicit organizations. The unchecked proliferation of these weapons not only fuels terrorist activities by providing these groups with easy access to arms but also heightens the risks of sexual and gender-based violence. The widespread availability of SALW undermines efforts to establish peace and stability in post-conflict regions, perpetuating cycles of violence and insecurity.

Olivia Xing

Olivia Xing | Director

In her Grade 10 year at Crofton House School, Olivia is honoured to serve as the Director of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) at VMUN 2025. Olivia’s experiences with Model UN, both inside and outside of committee rooms, have shaped countless memories that she will forever cherish. Through her engagement with Model UN, Olivia has expanded her knowledge surrounding various world issues, found the courage to raise her placard, and — perhaps most importantly — familiarized herself with the best smoothie places in Downtown. At VMUN 2025, Olivia hopes that regardless of their experience level, all delegates will walk away from the conference having learned something new about the world, themselves, or both. Outside the walls of committee rooms, Olivia can be found baking, debating, and doing research into endangered species. She anticipates a weekend of passionate debate and wishes everyone the best of luck!

Elaina Dumaliang

Elaina Dumaliang | Chair

As a Grade 11 student at Inglemoor High School, Elaina is beyond thrilled to serve as Chair for the United Nations Security Council for VMUN 2025! She began her diplomatic journey as a freshman, becoming infatuated with the Model UN world and even attending VMUN as a delegate. In a series of conferences, applications, and cherished memories, she has made countless new memories and connections that would have never existed otherwise. When she is not fully immersed in her MUN pursuits, she enjoys being a part of her school’s band, trying out new air fryer recipes, and starting crochet projects she will likely never finish. Elaina cannot wait to see the brilliant and innovative ideas delegates bring to UNSC at VMUN 2025!

You can contact the Director at unsc@vmun.com. Any questions regarding the committee or its debate procedures will be answered by email. Position papers must also be submitted to this address.

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