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United Nations Security Council

As the single most powerful UN entity, the Security Council is responsible for addressing all issues threatening international peace and security. The Security Council must work to create effective resolutions with clear and powerful language that will have tangible results in the real world. In facing this immense responsibility, the committee will utilize several tools of diplomacy usually unavailable to any other agency. The veto power of the Permanent Five (P5) members gives the UNSC a uniquely intense flair that is unlike any other committee.

The most prestigious body at VMUN 2024, this committee is specifically designed for experienced delegates. Position papers are mandatory, and must be submitted by January 22nd, 2024, at 23:59 PT. More information about position papers can be found on page 3 of the Background Guide.

Topic A: The Future of the Taliban (Click to show summary)

The Taliban is an Islamic fundamentalist group that has historically been known to embody extremist views. Their previous rule in Afghanistan consisted of many human rights violations and antagonist actions against democratic countries. After being overthrown by the US and allied forces in 2001, the Taliban worked to rebuild their regime, capturing territories over the years and reestablishing their influence. As a result, following the withdrawal of US forces in August 2021, the Taliban once again gained control of Afghanistan. The return of the oppressive regime heralds the return of corruption, human rights offences, and impoverished citizens. Concurrently, citizens face immense financial pressure, women’s rights are jeopardized, and many flee their homes in search for safety. As chaos ensues, the international community must look to ensure stability in Afghanistan.

Topic B: Private Military Contractors (Click to show summary)

Private military contractors (PMCs) are private companies that provide security services and military support, such as intelligence collection and military training, in return for monetary gain. Most PMCs consist of former military individuals. Over the years, PMCs have demonstrated their ability to provide substantial support in combat and intelligence operations. Only requiring monetary interaction, PMCs have become an attractive choice for both governmental and non-governmental organizations during dire times. However, the rise of PMCs has highlighted the need for increased regulation. To this day, PMCs continue to face limited legal oversight, lack transparency, and employ controversial methods in conflict.

Devin Yue

Devin Yue | Director

Currently a Grade 11 student at St. George’s School, Devin is honoured to serve as the Director of the United Nations Security Council at VMUN 2024. Ever since embarking on his high school Model UN journey four years ago, Devin has been gifted with a newly-lit passion. He had been enthralled by the unique atmospheres and knowledge that each conference held. From engaging in passionate debates to bonding with countless strangers, Devin had acquired many memorable moments in his few years at MUN. When not rushing assignments at the last minute, Devin can be found scrolling on his phone, contemplating profound philosophical questions in the shower, or grimacing during his drop sets in the gym. Devin looks forward to a lovely weekend filled with fruitful debates and cherished memories. He wishes the best of luck to all delegates attending VMUN 2024.

Aaron Xue

Aaron Xue | Chair

Aaron is a Grade 12 student at St. George’s School and is delighted to serve as the Chair of the United Nations Security Council for VMUN 2024. Despite entering Model UN in Grade 7 with the intention of expanding his social boundaries, he has since become enthralled in the debate and inner workings of geopolitical relations. In his free time, Aaron enjoys reading Webtoons, quoting the Peaky Blinders, and cooking food that he never eats. Aaron is eager to witness the fruitful debate and memories that will be made during these sleepless escapades at the Hyatt Regency. He hopes that all who help make Model UN possible will enjoy their time at VMUN 2024 and that this experience will show them the boundless opportunities Model UN has to offer.

You can contact the Director at Any questions regarding the committee or its debate procedures will be answered by email. Position papers must also be submitted to this address.

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