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World Health Organization

The World Health Organization was established in 1948 and is composed of 193 Member States. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the organization’s role is to serve as the “authority for health within the United Nations system,” and to provide “leadership on global health matters.” Current objectives of the WHO are laid out in a Six-Point Agenda aimed at responding to the challenges of an “increasingly complex and rapidly changing landscape” of global public health. The points on the agenda are: (1) promoting development; (2) fostering health security; (3) strengthening health systems; (4) harnessing research, information and evidence; (5) enhancing partnerships; and (6) improving performance.

This committee is designed for both beginners and experienced delegates alike. Position papers, although strongly recommended, are not required. However, delegates who wish to be considered for an award must submit their position papers by January 22nd, 2024, at 23:59 PT. More information about position papers can be found on page 3 of the Background Guide.

Topic A: Antimicrobial Resistance (Click to show summary)

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) refers to the general resistance of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites and is one of the most complex medical challenges that faces the modern world. Globally, it has led to millions of deaths and much work needs to be done in order to achieve a viable solution. Several credible organizations such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) have provided insight into possible solutions. While certain nations such as Denmark have developed frameworks and surveillance programs to learn more about tackling the issue, many countries lack basic health frameworks, resulting in higher risks of AMR cases.

Topic B: Vaccine Distribution in Developing Nations (Click to show summary)

Throughout history, developed countries have purchased a surplus of vaccines, resulting in a limited supply for developing countries and creating the issue of vaccine inequity. Consequently, immunization rates in developing countries are often significantly lower than developed countries. In the past few years, many international organizations such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Rotary International have been at the forefront of providing vaccines for people in developing countries, hoping to reduce the vaccine inequity gap. Developing countries typically have less rigid medical frameworks, and in the historical and current cases of global health issues, it becomes much more challenging to provide medical aid to developing countries. Millions of lives will be at risk without vaccines.

Austin Ng

Austin Ng | Director

As a Grade 11 student attending Richmond Christian Secondary School, Austin is honoured to be serving as the Director for the World Health Organization at VMUN 2024. Ever since stepping foot into his first conference, his passion for politics has continued to grow. The heated debate to create resolution papers through collaboration is something that he finds special and he believes that the bonds and friendships created within the committee room persist for a lifetime. Aside from Model UN, Austin can be seen preparing for his next piano competition, playing basketball with friends, finding the next good TV show to watch, and listening to a variety of the latest pop hits. Austin is excited to meet all the delegates and looks forward to a weekend filled with invigorating debate!

Siena McCleery

Siena McCleery | Chair

A Grade 11 student at Crofton House School, Siena is honoured to be serving as the Chair of the World Health Organization at VMUN 2024. Although Siena started her MUN career three years ago as a novice delegate navigating the raise-hand button at her first virtual conference, MUN has come to play an integral role in her high school journey. Siena found herself enthralled by the fast-paced environment of committee sessions and the meaningful world of diplomacy, and she cherishes her lifelong friendships created through MUN. When not in a committee room, she can be found reading, frequenting her favourite bubble tea shop, or walking with her camera outside. Siena is looking forward to a weekend full of fruitful debate and wishes all delegates the very best of luck as they prepare for VMUN 2024.

Ezra Lee

Ezra Lee | Assistant Director

Ezra Lee is a Grade 12 student attending Stratford Hall IB School. He is thrilled to serve as Assistant Director of the World Health Organization at VMUN 2024. Since beginning his MUN journey in Grade 9, Ezra has been captivated by the passionate debate and diplomacy that MUN has to offer. Although he has been doing MUN for quite some time, he still remembers being unsure of his position paper, being incredibly shy, and making a 15 second speech in his first ever conference. Model United Nations has given him a passion for global affairs and international cooperation. Outside of the committee room, Ezra can be found memorizing over 80 digits of Pi, studying for tests the night before, and eating cereal for dinner. Ezra hopes that VMUN 2024 will become an unforgettable experience for new and old delegates alike.

Mahdiyah Rashid

Mahdiyah Rashid | Assistant Director

Mahdiyah Rashid is entering her Grade 11 year at Southpointe Academy and is delighted to serve as the Assistant Director of WHO for VMUN 2024. Since attending her first iteration of VMUN in 2023, Mahdiyah was enthralled by a large number of delegates, all who shared the same passion for debate and global politics. Mahdiyah attended WHO as her first VMUN committee and was extremely nervous after seeing the large nature of the committee, and Mahdiyah would like to help other new delegates adjust to this daunting experience and find success in the committee. Outside MUN, Mahdiyah finds enjoyment in gymnastics, badminton, or roaming around the mall for hours and coming home without a single bag. Mahdiyah wishes the best for all delegates attending this upcoming iteration of VMUN.

You can contact the Director at Any questions regarding the committee or its debate procedures will be answered by email. Position papers must also be submitted to this address.

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