The VMUN 2025 Secretariat and Staff applications are closed.

World Bank

Based in Washington, D.C., the World Bank is the world’s largest development bank. It supplies loans to developing countries, focusing its efforts on agriculture, urban development, environmental protection, and governance. It works with countries to develop realistic debt-repayment plans as it strives to end poverty and build shared prosperity. Delegates in this mid-sized committee will question the balance of money and power, working to combat poverty and corruption in our world’s peripheral countries.

This committee is designed for both beginners and experienced delegates alike. Position papers, although strongly recommended, are not required. However, delegates who wish to be considered for an award must submit their position papers by January 22nd, 2024, at 23:59 PT. More information about position papers will be found on page 3 of each Background Guide.

Topic A: Development of Rural Communities (Click to show summary)

Rural areas are sparsely populated areas that form the majority of the world’s landmass and are home to half of the global population. Agricultural, manufacturing, and resource sectors are situated predominantly in these regions, making rural communities crucial components in employment and a country’s GDP. However, these communities often lack basic social services such as healthcare, transportation, and education, resulting in high poverty rates and limited opportunities for future prospects or social mobility. With low wages, substandard working conditions, along with natural disasters and environmental degradation decreasing land profitability, many citizens decide to migrate to larger cities in search of employment, stripping rural communities of its labour force.

Topic B: Transitioning to Green Economies (Click to show summary)

Excessive exploitation of the environment over the past century has achieved paramount economic growth at the price of the environment, which is inconceivable in the long term. A green economy, thought to combat climate change, is an economic and social system that promotes renewable resources, low-carbon usage, transparent regulations, and public involvement through sustainable measures and public and private investment. Speculated to bolster economic prosperity, the pursuit of a green economy is debated to have negative impacts on economic development, creating higher price margins and lower profits for businesses. Although its importance is generally internationally agreed upon, converting a conventional economy to a green one is difficult as it requires extensive costs over a prolonged period of time.

Amber Yang

Amber Yang | Director

Currently a Grade 11 student at Semiahmoo Secondary School, Amber is delighted to serve as Director of the World Bank at VMUN 2024. From being tossed into her first MUN conference extemporaneously in Grade 9 and finding herself scrambling to conjure witty retorts to the US’s pernicious accusations, to genuflecting herself in front of Emperor Napoleon I in plead of his presence on the battlefield, Amber has adored the riveting debates of MUN and the friends made along the way ever since. When not sipping on coffee or scribbling down lengthy directives, Amber can be found snuggled in the corner of her room with a book, trying to stitch together various costumes, or tripping over her own two feet in an effort to dance. Amber is looking forward to meeting everyone and hopes that all delegates will enjoy a memorable and thrilling experience at VMUN 2024!

Lake Harris

Lake Harris | Chair

A Grade 12 student at Magee Secondary School, Lake is excited to serve as Chair of the World Bank at VMUN 2024. Lake started their Model UN career in eighth grade and immediately fell in love with the sport. For Lake, MUN created a space for exploration, creativity, and friendship. Despite the kidnappings at (nerf) gunpoint and anti-environment Green Parties, they will never regret raising their placard for the first time. In their free time, Lake can be found climbing at the Hive, reading science fiction, and listening to the Weepies. Lake awaits an amazing weekend of gavel slamming, sleepless nights, and legendary camaraderie at their final iteration of VMUN.

Oscar Li

Oscar Li | Assistant Director

Entering Grade 10 at St. George’s School, Oscar Li is beyond ecstatic to serve as the Assistant Director of the World Bank at VMUN 2024. After attending his first Model UN conference in Grade 9, a timid and visibly confused Oscar gained newfound appreciation for this non-spectator sport; from this, he was highly entranced by the leadership, teamwork, and public speaking skills developed from Model UN, as well as the positive worldview insights gained from it. Outside of Model UN, one can find Oscar reading interdisciplinary non-fiction and fantasy novels at the same time, weaving tales through short stories, and playing board games with friends. As VMUN 2024 nears, Oscar profoundly wishes the best luck for all delegates as they enter this non-spectator sport.

You can contact the Director at Any questions regarding the committee or its debate procedures will be answered by email. Position papers must also be submitted to this address.

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